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Adding George to the List

Dear Society,

When will enough be enough? As I gather myself to write yet again about another black male’s life being stripped aware by police brutality, I find myself lost for words.

Mike, Eric, Oscar, Sean….. The forever long list of men whose names are on repeat in my mind. Now another one……George.

We’ve come to the point where our society has become desensitized to the fact that a human being was killed by another. Is justice a privilege?

As a race that is in no means violent, how come violence always seems to find us? When will a life be valuable because it is a life? When will we strip away color and punish those who are deserving?

Victor, Patrick, Alan….. Why are there so many names for me to pick from? Why are their names in the media for 15 minutes of fame and then forgotten about? It still happened. Families are still mourning while others are living their day to day life as if nothing ever happened.

If we truly crave change, we must have this craving sensation when the media is not present. We must have this hope for justice during the good and the bad. This must be an everlasting fight.

George…… I guess I’m not so lost for words after all.


If you are able to donate to George Floyd’s family, the link is below:

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