Dear Society,
In order for minorities to surpass the disgusting habit of racism, we need the majority.
To be specific, here in the United States, African Americans are considered a minority. If we take a look at history, Africans were brought to the United States against our will and forced into slavery. As time went on, the majority noticed that we are simply human and we were supposed to be able to partake in society. However, we’ve been facing ongoing mistreatment as we try to do so.
I say all of this to say that this problem was not created by us. Since we did not create these problems, we cannot fix them all alone.
To my readers who are not African American, you may be wondering, “What can I do to encourage change?” Listen but don’t be silent. Point out flawed habits when noticed. Do your own research. Reach out to the African American community and share your support. Protest. Donate. It may be difficult to understand our viewpoint since you cannot relate, however, respect it.
I’ve seen numerous people of all backgrounds and ethnicities support this movement. My opinion is that we are slowly breaking from the battle of white vs. black. We are transitioning into a battle of mindsets. Educated vs. uneducated. Open-minded vs. close-minded. Respectful vs. disrespectful. Just vs. unjust. Competent vs. ignorance. Simply, good vs. bad.
As we are transitioning into this new battle, we must step back and realize that overall there are more people with us than against us in this world. The problem is that those who are against us are simply in powerful positions.
Regardless of your race, ethnicity, or background, check out the links below to learn how you can make a difference during this movement.