Dear Society,
As we pursue humanity, society tends to set the tone of what success is and how to obtain it. For some reason, success has been associated with financial wealth. In addition, we are conditioned to believe that there is only one set path to this predetermined success.
With this influence in mind, we tend to criticize ourselves if we haven’t followed the path or achieved the success that society believes in. The goals of humanity should differ as greatly as the individuals of humanity. Each individual’s path to these goals should be as unique as we are.
Our society is created by a diverse set of individuals. However, society tends to send out a one-note message that we all are attentive to.
Society pressures us to follow some sort of timeframe where if we fall a bit off pace, our self-value is suddenly questioned.
Embrace every step of your unique path. More importantly, create your own definition of success. And keep in mind that you don’t always have to be aligned with society.
Regardless, if you follow society’s conventional path and beliefs or if you set your own, you will face challenges. So why not face these obstacles while on your own path to your own goal?